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Pixie's Story

One fine day in 1950's Trinidad, a young lady travelled out of the Caribbean…leaving sun, sea and steelpan – leaving tropical white sand beaches and breezy Sunday afternoons. Above all, this young lady left family behind in Trinidad.  Pixie’s journey to Canada would first take her to the USA – through Chicago and New York.  By the time she left Canada a few years later, Pixie was married and had graduated from one of the most prestigious universities – not just in Canada, but in the entire world!  Pixie followed her husband to his own dear country of  Nigeria. And  with her husband, Pixie started a family, lived through the Biafra war, set up her own business, and faced the ups and downs of daily life in her adopted country.  Pixie (not her real name) was diagnosed with dementia in 2019.  She is our inspiration...


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Registered company address: 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU

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